Candid Moments

Boys playing basketball in the gym, fighting to get the ball.
A student laughing in a classroom amused by his friend.
A student, coloring a paper in their class, completing their assignment.
Girls coloring a paper in class for an assignment.
A boy writing something in their class, for an assignment.

Henri Cartier-Bresson - 501 Artworks, Bio & Shows on Artsy

Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Decisive Moment - Photogpedia

I think the work of Henry Cartier-Bresson is very fascinating, he is a very early photographer and me loving history find his work amazing. His photos show a time that none of us have really experienced or lived out before so it is really cool seeing the past in these photos. His timing is pretty much perfect, capturing perfect shots of people doing regular, everyday things. His photos really live up to the saying of capturing the moment, as the shots are perfectly timed. The composition is amazing too, as in the stairs photo, it has leading lines, the photos are as simple as they can get, the reflection has a sense of symmetry, with the way the reflection is an almost perfect. It’s very impressive what he achieved in his photos, considering how limited technology was at that time.

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